1. Lost for 11 500 years ... another part of the family
2. An aspirin a day may keep cancer away if US study has its way
We found out from "Sydney Morning Herald":
1. A team made up from Australian and Chinese researchers has discovered fossils of the previously unknown group of prehistoric humans in south - west China, called the Red Deer Cave people. They are supposed to be a new species of human because researchers found in them a mix of arhaic and modern features. These prehistoric humans, allegedly, left Africa very early on and came to China, but they didn't contribute genetically to people alive in East Asia today. Fossils show that they had short and flat faces with arhaic features such as big teeth and thick skulls. They are also supposed to have cooked and eaten a lot of vension, including a giant extinct red deer. Their brains, as it is assumed, had modern - looking frontal lobes. The discovery team believes that these fossils date about 14 000 years old.
2. The researchers from the City College of New York found a new compound of aspirin that can be used in curing 11 different kinds of cancer such as leukaemia, colon, pancreas etc. Recent studies have shown that aspirin can inhibit cancer cells growing up, but it has only research on animals so far. The researchers believe that one day it could be possible to applay the research to humans.