Wednesday 13 June 2012

Story about Azaria's death has come to the end..

The story about Lindy Chamberlain and her daughter Azaria who was taken by the dingo was finally enlighted. Lindy has been given what she wanted - a new death certificate. After reding the interview, Lindy did today, it is clear that she went trough a soul painful period in her life. Only she knows how she feels, however it is a relief for her to continue her life with the family without media harrassment and stressfull moments.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Mother’s Day 

Mother’s Day is a special day for women, particularly for women who are mothers. This day is celebrated in different countries such as Australia, Canada, United States, Georgia, Thailand, etc. It also falls on different days depending on the countries. 

In Australia, this day is marked on the second Sunday of May. Then, people do different activities and they are included in various events. On Mother's Day families usually visit zoos, botanical gardens or other places of interest. Some of them go to restaurants, cafes or stay at home enjoying dinner. Children make gifts, usually cards and they present them to their mothers. Gifts, such as flowers, chocolates and clothing are not omitted. 

Although, Mother’s Day today is an aspect of marketing campaign, it is still a nice and respectful way of showing appreciation towards our mothers.   

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Harmony Day

Harmony Day is a special day for all Australians, especially for migrants who have come from all parts of the world. Australia is a unique country where people of different nations live and work together. Therefore Harmony Day is an occasion where people celebrate this to show the advantages of being Australian with different backgrounds. Cultural diversity makes Australians’ lives very interesting and exciting, so Harmony Day gives people the opportunity to show what it is that makes Australia so special.

Harmony Day began in 1999 and since then it has been celebrated on 21 March every year. There are a lot of Harmony Day events such as different sporting activities, recitals and food parties in which people are encouraged to participate regardless of their background. All these events show that Australia is a beautiful place to live compared to the rest of the world.

Harmony Day is also the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is organised and managed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


ANZAC Day is celebrated on 25th April each year as a sign of remembering the brave men and women who have served Australia and New Zealand in times of war. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. On that day Australians show their thanks to the people who have fought for Australia, specially for their heroes such as the famous Simpson and his donkey Duffy. During the First World War he put wounded soldiers on the donkey's back and helped them to the first aid tent.

During the ANZAC Day service, Aussies recite the Ode. It is special poem which is said on that day. It is also a sign of remembering the brave people who were killed or hurt in times of war. Aussies also lay flowers and wreaths at the bottom of war memorials as a way of saying that Australians have remembered these brave people.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Reading news..

1. Lost for 11 500 years ... another part of the family
2. An aspirin a day may keep cancer away if US study has its way

We found out from "Sydney Morning Herald":

1. A team made up from Australian and Chinese researchers has discovered fossils of the previously unknown group of prehistoric humans in south - west China, called the Red Deer Cave people. They are supposed to be a new species of human because researchers found in them a mix of arhaic and modern features. These prehistoric humans, allegedly, left Africa very early on and came to China, but they didn't contribute genetically to people alive in East Asia today. Fossils show that they had short and flat faces with arhaic features such as big teeth and thick skulls. They are also supposed to have cooked and eaten a lot of vension, including a giant extinct red deer. Their brains, as it is assumed, had modern - looking frontal lobes. The discovery team believes that these fossils date about 14 000 years old.

2. The researchers from the City College of New York found a new compound of aspirin that can be used in curing 11 different kinds of cancer such as leukaemia, colon, pancreas etc. Recent studies have shown that aspirin can inhibit cancer cells growing up, but it has only research on animals so far. The researchers believe that one day it could be possible to applay the research to humans.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day is one way of maintaining a clean environment in Australia. It also reminds people how much looking after our environment is important to live healthily and pleasantly. This event intends to motivate people to do their bit and to pull together in the cleaning up of their local area.

The idea of cleaning up the environment came from Ian Kiernan who was shocked by the pollution and rubbish in the oceans. He asked his friends for help in cleaning up and they supported him.  Today Clean Up Australia Day is supported by a big number of volunteers. 

Everyone who wants to get behind this event can be involved. Last year there were hundreds of volunteers from different communities and schools to lend a hand in cleaning up. 

On that day, which is held on the first Sunday of March every year, Rockdale City Council is organising the collection of rubbish from the local beaches, parks and streets. Individuals from this area interested in the cleaning can visit Rockdale city council website to find out more information on how to take part.  All volunteers participating have to bring their own pair of gloves, a bottle of water, a cap and sunscreen.

·      *  Clean Up Day, 2012
·       * Rockdale City Council website, 2012

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Doping in sport

Sport today is a profession which can bring money and fame to an individual who invests big effort in training hard. Because of that, many sportsmen burn out their bodies and damage their health. Some of them aren’t able to achieve big results with their physical capacities and they reach for forbidden substances.

Society find sport entertaining, recreational and a way of maintaining good health and they don’t want to believe in the use of doping. On the other hand, sportsmen use doping and cheat society because they want to present themselves better than they are.

The problem could be solved, in my opinion, by legalising the use of doping substances. There would be no more secrets and society would not any longer idealise sportsmen who use drugs, and also, it would be fairer to sportsmen who never used any drugs.